A general term for the game starting with 1.e4-e5.
Quotes of the Day
” Chess is a sport. A violent sport.”
Marcel Duchamp
Do you realize, Fischer almost never has any bad pieces? He exchanges them, and the bad pieces remain with his opponents.
Yury Balashov
First-class players lose to second-class players because second-class players sometimes play a first-class game
Siegbert Tarrasch
If the FIDe elections were not decided by the votes of the delegates but by the world’s chess society as a whole, there would not even be a competition.
Anatoly Karpov NIC 2010
In order to become a grandmaster class player whose understanding of chess is superior to the thousands of ordinary players, you have to develop within yourself a large number of qualities, the qualities of an artistic creator, a calculating practitioner, a cold calm competitor.
Alexander Kotov