Appeared for the first time in 1915. A pin in which the Chessman subject to the pin may move along the same line (file, rank or diagonal) which it shares with the attacker.
Quotes of the Day
Magnus is playing fantastic and I play like I always play, pretty badly
Anish Giri 2017
Carlsen is a combination of Karpov and Fischer style.
Garry Kasparov 2017
Carlsen: “I ran out of steam towards the end but fortunately I played better than he did”
Magnus Carlsen 2017
16. “By all means examine the games of the great chess players, but don’t swallow them whole. Their games are valuable not for their separate moves, but for their vision of chess, their way of thinking.
Anatoly Karpov
Kasparov’s book are the best, as far as high level analyses are concerned.
Jan Timman 1991 NIC