Famous Belgian magazine for problemists and correspondence chess players edited in Belgium since 1942. Today Luc Palmas is the chief editor. The electronic version can be found at http://www.ebbs.be/menu.html.
Quotes of the Day
I think that the World Champion should try to defend the quality of play more than anyone else!
Boris Spassky
Agon was just sold for one pound and the reputation of Ilyumzhinov’s FIDE is worth even less than that.
Garry Kasparov 2014
Not this time, Mr. Carlsen! (after winning the World Blitz Championship 2016)
Sergey Karjakin 2016
” (about Lasker) For me, this personality, notwithstanding his fundamentally optimistic attitude, had a tragic note. The enormous mental resilience, without which no chess player can exist, was so much taken up by chess that he could never free his mind of this game, even when he was occupied by philosophical and humanitarian questions.”
Albert Einstein
One of the most important things in chess is pattern recognition: the ability to recognise typical themes and images on the board, characteristics of a position and their consequences.
Magnus Carlsen 2010