A pawn that can guard or be guarded by a pawn on a adjoining file. The diagram from the game Timman-Winants, Brussels 1986 shows us the connected pawns on b2 and c2.
Quotes of the Day
Thank the stars that I have been banned by FIDE so it is very clear I have nothing to do with this mess…
Garry Kasparov 2015
I never make mistakes in chess, I only have hallucinations!
Vlastimil Hort 1987
Karpov Lost, Kasparov Lost, the Only One Who Remained Is Me …
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov 2014
It is true, in chess so far that men and women cannot be on the same level from an economic situation, but there can always be a more reasonable way to combine the financial part and the players’ situation.
Hou Yifan 2016
When I am in the USSR, I have the feeling that every tram conductor plays chess better than I do.
Hans Ree