Maliutin Boris Evgenievich (26.08.1883)

Maliutin-Boris-EvgenievichStrong Russian amateur who worked in the office of the State Duma. In 1917 had a rank of the collegiate adviser (an equivalent to lieutenant colonel).

Best results: Saint Petersburg 1904, 2-3rd; Rice tournament, 1905, 3rd; All-Russian Masters’ Tournament, Russian Chess Championship 1908, 3rd and 4th in 1909; 18th DSB Congress, Hauptturnier A 1912, 4-6th; Baden Baden 1914, 6th; Trieberg 1915, 5th and 6thin 1916-1917.

For several years he was editing a popular chess section in the newspaper Rech.

Maliutin became a chairman of the board of St. Petersburg Society in January 1913 and was one of the organizers of the famous 1914 St. Petersburg tournament.

Like the other Russian participants of the Congress in Mannheim (July 1914), he was interned and was allowed to return to Russia only in August 1916.

Historical ELO: 2370.