Cafferty Bernard (27.06.1934)

CaffertyEnglish player, one of the leading English chess players of the late 1950s and 1960s. British Correspondence Champion in 1960. Prolific writer.

Author of A Complete Defence to 1.K4: a Study of Petroff’s Defence with Hooper in 1967, Tal’s 100 Best Games, 1961-1973 with Tal, Spassky’s 100 best Games, with Barden, Play for Mate with Hopper, Botvinnik’s best Games 1947-1970 with Botvinnik, A complete Defence to 1 d4: A Study of the Queen’s Gambit Accepted with Hooper, The English Opening in 1977, The Soviet Championships with Taimanov in 1998.

General editor of British Chess Magazine between 1981 and 1991 and chess columnist for the Sunday Times between 1983 and 1997.

Peak rating: 2440 in 1971