
Argentina. Wexler won a strong contest in Buenos Aires with 10,5-2,5. Second Rosetto  9,5 third Guimard with 9 points.
Bulgaria.Twenty players were participating at the national championship organized in Sofia with Z. Milev finishing first ahead of M. Bobotsov.
Czechoslovakia. There was a tie for the national title this year between J. Fichtl and M. Ujtelki. Dr. Filip didn’t participate at the tournament.
East Germany: Without W. Uhlmann, the East German Championship finished with a tie between W. Golz and W. Pietzsch.
England. Without a strong opposition, S. Gligoric (YUG) won the annual Hastings tournament ahead of Y. Averbakh.
Holland. There was a tie at the traditional tournament at Beverwijk. For the first prize  T. Petrosian (USSR) and B. Larsen (DEN) shared first with 6,5. A. Matanovic (YUG) followed with 5,5 and JH Donner (NED) and Flohr (USSR) tied for the fourth place  with 5 points. E. Gereben won the reserve group.
P. Keres was touring in Holland and gave 10 simultaneous display which finished with the  score of 270 wins, 17 losses, and 36 draws.
Hungary. Three players tied at the 1959 championship. L.Barcza, G. Szabo and L. Portisch with 11,5-6,5. L. Szabo succeeded at the tie-break tournament to win the title.
Italy.: The Yugoslavian player C. Trampuz won the traditional new year’s tournament of Reggio Emilia with 6,5-1,5.
New Zealand: O. Sarapu was back at the championship and won another title of national champion.
Roumania At the International Student Championship held in Bucarest, the team of Yugoslavia with Ivkov, Durasevic and Parma won the first prize with 9 points. Second was Bulgaria and third Albania 6 points!
Poland. B. Sliwa won the 17th Polish championship two points ahead of Z. Doda.
Sweden: M. Johansson and A. Kotov 7-2 came first equal at a local jubilee organized in Stockholm. P. Keres followed with 6,5-2,5.
USA. R. Fischer won his third title of US. Champion (+7=4) ahead of R. Byrne and S. Reshevsky.
Twenty-two years old Lisa Lane is US Women’ champion.
USSR. V. Korchnoi from Leningrad was the winner of the strong 27th USSR Championship with 14 points, 2nd E. Geller and T. Petrosian 13,5; 4th V. Bagirov 12; 5th L. Polugaevsky 115; 6th Y. Averbach 11; 7th V. Smyslov and M. Taimanov 10,5 9th N.  Krogius and B. Spassky 10…
West Germany. The local national team won a three countries qualifying tournament for the European Championship final with 23.5. Sweden was second and Finland third. The match between W. Germany and Sweden finished 11-9.

Obituary: Prof. Naegeli, one of the best player of Switzerland before WWII, died at 74. Twice champion of Switzerland 1910 and 1936, he played a couple of Olympiads as and few international tournament like in 1932 in Berne where he beat in a game the World Champion A. Alekhine.


Canada. D.A Yanofsky won the national title at the Canadian Championship with a perfect score of 11 out 11.
Finland. Another championship title for Ojanen at the national championship with 11,5-1,5.
France. Belgian victory in Paris’ Xmas tournament with the IGM O’Kelly de Galeway with a perfect 6-0 ahead of Casa 3,5-2,5.
India. M. Aaron from Madras won the 3rd India championship with10,5-3,5.
Roumania. The Roumanian championship finished with a tie between Ciocaltea and Mititelu with 12,5-6,5. Ghitescu is third with 12-7.
USSR: Opening of the World Championship at the Central Chess Club in Moscow between M. Botvinnik and M. Tal by Alatorzev President of the USSR CF and M. Euwe as FIDE representative. GMs Stahlberg was the chief arbiter and G. Golombek was appointed as  the main judge. The first game started on 15th at the Pushkin Theatre.
Yugoslavia. Excellent performance of B. Ivkov who won in Belgrade IT with 9-2 ahead of Karaklaric, Dr. Nedeljkovic and S. Vukovic 6,5-5,5.
S. Gligoric retains his title of Yugoslavian Champion by winning the 15th championship held at Ljubjana with 13-4. M. Bartok finished second 12-5 then M. Matulovic and P. Trifunovic equal third with 10,5-4,5.


Bulgaria For another qualification seat for the Euro Team championship Bulgaria beat Roumania 11-9.
Denmark.  In the absence of B. Larsen, J. Enevoldsen scored his 5th victory in the Danish championship.
England. At the traditional Bognor Regis tournament, the Belgian A. O’Kelly scored another success finishing first with 9/10.
Hungary. L. Szabo won the tie-break of the recent championship with 5 points, 2nd Barcza with 4 and finally the young L. Portisch with 3 points. Hungary beat also Roumania 12,5-7,5.
Switzerland Six national teams participated to the 7th Clare eBnedict tournament organized in Biel. West Germany with Unzicker, Schmid, Pfiffer and Bialas took the first prize with 14-6 half point ahead of England 13,5.


Belgium. The Belgium Open Championship resulted in a tie between the Yugoslav GM Karakklaric and the Belgian R. Rose with 7 points each, followed by Dr P. Limbos and G. Thibaut 6 points.
East Germany. In Halle, Czechoslovakia with 37,5 won the qualification group for the Euro Team final ahead of East Germany 35; Poland 28,5 and Austria 19.
Finland. The match between Finland and Estonia finished with a Finn victory. On board one P. Keres drew with K. Ojanen 1-1.
France. A. O’Kelly (BEL) won the tournament of the Caissa chess club with 6-0. Bouteville came second with 5-1.
Hungary. Yugoslavia won a double round against Hungary 12-8. On board one S. Gligoric beat L. Szabo 1,5-0,5; on board two A. Matanovic beat L. Portisch 1,5-0,5 and on three B. Ivkov beat I. Bilek 1,5-0,5.
At the East European Zonal in Budapest, G. Barcza won the tournament a with 10,5/15 ahead of 4 players.
USSR. On May 7th in Moscow, M. Tal drew the 21st game against M. Botvinnik and achieved the score of 12,5-8,5 thus became 6th World Champion.


Austria. K. Robatsch won the 13th Austrian championship.
Hungary. I. Bilek and K. Honfi were the winner at Balatonfured with 7 points. Among the participants were the old Soviet GMs S. Flohr and A. Lilienthal.
India. M. Aaron won another national championship title.
Spain. Another European Zonal just finished in Madrid with four players who tied for first. A. Pomar (ESP), JH Donner (NED), S. Gligoric (YUG) and L. Portisch (HUN)
Tunisia. The friendly match organized in Tunis between the Tunisia and Italy has been won by the Italian team 6-4. Also, the USSR team was a guest at the tournament and beat both teams 4-0.
USA: Sherwin and Weinstein shared first place at the Marshall CC championship.
Yugoslavia. L.  Pachman (CSR) and Puc (YUG) won the first prize of the international tournament of Sarajevo with 7,5. A. Matanovic (YUG) finished second with 7 points.
USSR. N. Gusev won the Turkmenistan championship, B. Katamilov won the Kazakh championship, V. Bagirov won the Azeri championship, B. Gurgenidze won the Georgian championship, L. Stein won the Ukraine championship and V. Gipslis the Latvian championship. R. Kholmov won the Moldovan and the Latvian championships, M. Taimanov won the RSFSR championship and I. Nei won the Estonian championship.


Argentina. First visit of V. Korchnoi (USSR) in Argentina and first victory. At Buenos Aires, he shared first with S. Reshevsky (USA) and ahead of L. Szabo.
At Santa Fe, L. Szabo and M. Taimanov shared first at the 12th Angel Cassanelo tournament with 5,5/7.
Austria. K. Robatsch won the national championship followed by Fischer and Auer.
Belgium. R. Willaert became the 38th Belgian champion.
Brazil. At Sao Polo, The Argentine Master J. Bolbochan won the long FIDE American Zonal with 13.5/17.
Bulgaria: N. Krogius (USSR) and V. Padevski (BUL) shared first places at Varna with 8 points. B. Wade who was leader after 3 rounds withdrew due to illness.
Denmark: B. Andersson and B. Larsen shared first place at the Copenhagen championship.
T. Petrosian (USSR) won the memorial Nimzowitch memorial Tournament held in Copenhagen with 11,5 points. E. Geller (USSR) finished second with 10,5. G. Stahlberg (SWE) was third with 9,5, B.  Larsen 8 and W. Golz 7…
England. In Leicester, J. Penrose finished with a full point ahead of CH Alexander at the 47th Brish Championship.
In Gloucester, England won the 13rd Glorney Cup.
West Germany: A. Seppelt in the winner at the Berlin championship.
The teams of West Germany and USSR met in Hambourg for 8 friendly matches. Finally, the Soviets crushed the German 51-13. The World Champion M. Tal made the best score with 7,5-0,5! T. Petrosian scored 6,5-0,5. K. Draga was the best German with 3-4.
Greece. A. Anastasopoulos won the 11th Greek championship.
Italy. Porreca was this year the strongest at the national with 7,5. Second was S. Tatai with 5,5 and third Norcia and Trezza with 5 points.
Paraguay. S. Gligoric (YUG) and L. Szabo (HUN) tied for first place at Asuncion with 10/12.
Spain. F. Perez won the national championship with 11,5-2,5 ahead of Saborido 10,5 and Puig 10.
In Tarragona, F. Perez scored anther success with 7-2 ahead of O’Kelly, Durao and Serra 6,5-2,5.
Switzerland. Bhend won the Jubilee tournament of Zurich Chess Club ahead of Johner Zimmerman, Zorn, Dintheer.
Sweden. E. Ludin won the tie-break from Z. Nilsson and M. Johansson the national championship.
USA: The Manhattan CC won the Metropolitan championship by beating Marshall CC 6,5-3,5.
P. Benko won the 72nd Manhattan CC championship.
USSR: R. Kholmov and V. Smyslov shared the first prize at the Moscow Central Chess Club with 8,5. Korchnoi followed at half point. V. Shiskin won the
The World Students’ team  Championship was held in Leningrad. The US team surprised the Soviet team finishing clear first with 41,5 points, one point and half  ahead of the USSR team. The US team included W. Lombardy, C. Kalme, E. Mednis, R. Weinstein,and A. Saidy.
R. Byrne scored an amazing 10/12 at the US Open in St. Louis finishing ahead of P. Bnko with 9,5.


Canada. The US Master A. Saidy won the 3rd Canadian Open.
Czechoslovakia: The top grandmasters L. Pachman and M. Filip were first equal at Marianske Lazne.
East Germany. A. Lutikov (USSR) was victorious at the Bad Salzungen international tournament.
Italy. The Hungarian L. Portisch won the tournament of San Benedetto with the excellent score of 10-1.
USSR. An international tournament was held in Tbilisi and won by Wolper from USSR ahead of Gaprindashvili and Togonidze.


Argentina. M. Najdorf won the national championship with 15.5/19, two points ahead of J. Bolbochan.
Australia. Y. Averbakh (USSR) touring in Australia won the Australian championship with 14/15. Endzelins won the title after finishing in 3rd position.
East Germany. 40 teams registered at the Olympiad in Leipzig. USSR with M. Tal, M. Botvinnik, P; Keres, V. Korchnoi, V. Smyslov and T. Petrosian won all the matches and the tournament. M. Tal was the only one to lose a game. The US team finished second.
India. M. Aaron (IND) defeat Momo (MGN) 3-1 and won the West Asia Zonal championship.
Island. After the national championship won by I. Jonhansson, R. Fischer won a small tournament which included the 5 best Icelandic players with +3=1.
Netherlands. The Dutch team beat England 10,5-9,5.
Yugoslavia. Fourteen players have participated in the Women’s West Zonal tournament. H. Axt from West Germany, M. Lazarevic from Yugoslavia and F. Rinder from West Germany shared the first place.
USSR. This year the team of Leningrad, with V. Korchnoi at board 1, won the USSR Republics Championship ahead of Moscow.


Hungary. Tthe 27 years old Hungarian J. Flesch has broken the world record of playing simultaneous blindfold games. In 12 hours he played 53 games scoring 31 wins, 3 losses, and 18 draws.
At the West European Zonal tournament in Bergendal, F. Olafsson (ISL) edged R. Teschner and A. Duckstein (AUT).


Netherlands. The Women’s World Champion E. Bykova (USSR) won the international tournament of Amsterdam ahead of Lazarevic (YUG) and C. Chaude de Silans (FRA).
Tunisia. R. Belkadi was the national champion.
USA: S. Reshevski won a match against Benko 5,5-4,5.
Yugoslavia. V. Sokolov won the championship of Serbia with 9/12 ahead Karaklaric and D. Ciric.
Udovic won the championship of Croatia and J. Stuica won the Slovenian championship.
In Belgrade, M. Matulovic won a strong field ahead of D. Minic and P. Ostojic.
USSR. The team of Leningrad won the 2 matches with Moscow played this year. The first, in January with the score 46-34 and in December with the score 40,5-39,5. In that match at board 1, V. Korchnoi beat M. Botvinnik 1,5-0,5.