
Cuba. The play-off match for Cuban championship title 1957 was won by Jimenez who beat Gonzalez with a score 12-8.
The Hastings tournament was held in December 1957-January 1958. The Premier Tournament was won convincingly by P. Keres (USSR) who scored 7,5 points. S. Gligoric (YUG) was the second with 6,5 points, the third was M. Filip (CSR) with 6 points. Then followed L. W. Barden (ENG) with 5 points.
Holland. The 20th Beverwijk Tournament attracted more than 250 players for its various sections. The first group contest’s results were as follows: JH. Donner and M. Euwe shared the 1-2 places with 5,5 points, there were followed by H. Bouwmeester, A. Matanovic (YUG), G. Stahlberg (SWE) with 5 points, ahead of A. O’Kelly (BEL) with 4,5, Milic (YUG), H. Pilnik (ARG) and T. van Scheltinga NED with 4 points, V. Pirc (YUG) with 2,5.
The Italian Championship held at Reggio Emilia was won by E. Paoli who scored 10,5 points out of 13, followed by Napolitano with 9,5 points.
New Zealand. The match Phillips –Sarapu was held in Auckland and was won by the latter with a score of 4,5-2,5.
Philippines. The Asian Zonal finished with the victory of R. Cardoso (PHI) 8 points ahead of K. Ozols (AUS) 6, 5 and Y Porath (ISR) 6.
Poland. Pogorovici ROM with 8,5 points, Eretova (CZE) with 8, Holuj (POL) and Kertesz (HUN) with 7 points acted the best at the Woman’s Zonal tournament held in Krakow.
Romania. A. Gunsberger is the 21st Romanian Champion ahead of O. Troianescu.
Sweden. G. Stahlberg (SWE) won the strong new year tournament of Goteborg ahead of V. Ragozin (USSR) and S. Flohr (USSR)
Switzerland. After the play- off match between Nievergelt and Kupper, the latter became the Swiss Champion with a score 2,5-1,5.
USA. The US Championship was won convincingly by young star R.Fischer who scored 10,5 points out of 13, followed by Reshevsky with 9,5 points- they were also qualified for the Interzonal of Portoroz.


Colombia. In Bogota, 20 competitors took part in the 1st Panamerican tournament. O. Panno (ARG) acted the first with 16 points, followed by M. Cuellar (COL) and W. Lombardy (USA) with 14,5 points, M. Najdorf (ARG) with 14, A. Bisguier (USA) with 13,5 points…
USSR. Moskva won the USSR Republics championship help in Vilnius.


Argentina. Sanguineti with 15,5 points out of 19 became the winner of the Argentine Championship.
Australia. E. Basta acted the first at the Victorian Championship Australia with 10,5 points out of 13.
Bulgaria. The play-off in Sofia to nominate the two qualifiers for the Interzonal saw A.  Matanovic (YUG) with 2,5 points emerged ahead of O. Neikrich (YUG) with 1,5, B. Sliwa (POL) scored 0 points.
Chile. The Chilean Championship was won by Letelier who scored 11,5 points out of 13.
Colombia. Luis Sanchez won the Colombian championship with 10,5/13.
India. Ramdas Gupta with 12 points became the winner of the 2nd Indian Championship held at Poona.
Italy. the team of Riga with M.  Tal at board one, made a tour in Italy where they beat the teams of Milan with a score 8-2, Venice 9,5-0,5, Reggio Emilia 7,5-2,5, Florence 6,5-3,5 and Rome 8,5-1,5.
USA. The IT devoted to the anniversary of Stahlberg held at Dallas and ended with a shared victory of Gligoric YUG and Reshevsky USA who scored 8,5 points, Larsen and Szabo shared 3-4 places with 7,5 points ahead of Yanovsky CAN with 7 points.
USSR. The 25th USSR Championship and FIDE Zonal was held in Riga with 19 strong contestants, except V. Smyslov and M. Botvinnik who were busy in the Championship match and P. Keres who played recently in the Hastings tournament. M. Tal became the first having scored 12,5 points, the second was T. Petrosian with 12 points, the third D. Bronstein with 11,5 points, followed by Y. Averbakh with 11 points and L. Polugaevsky and B. Spassky with 10,5 points…  The top four were qualified for the next Interzonal Tournament.


Bulgaria. Bobotsov became the winner of the 12th Bulgarian Championship held at Sofia. He scored 13,5 points out of 17 possible.
Holland. After the Beveerwijk Congress there was a tourney at Zwolle which ended with a victory of Visser- 3,5 points in the section A, R. Wade (NZL) with 5 points in the B section.
Hungary. L. Portisch G. Barcza and L. Szabo shared first at 14th Hungarian championship played in Budapest. They scored 12,5 points ahead of I. Bilek 10 points.
Yugoslavia. F. Sofrevski won the 13th Macedonia championship ahead of N. Stojanovic.


Argentina. At the 21st International Tournament of Mar del Plata, B.  Larsen (DEN) scored 12 points and became the first, the second was W. Lombardy (USA) with 11 points, then followed E. Eliskases, O. Panno and Sanguineti with 9,5 points, H. Pilnik with 9 points…
Australia. The South Australian Championship attracted 8 players was won by Endzelins who made 6 points, followed by Kalinovsky with 5,5 points, Cohen with 5.
Poland. The 15th Polish championship was once more won by K. Plater who scored 12,5 points, followed by B. Sliwa with 11,5 points, Kostro with 11…
Romania. The play-off match for the Romanian title between Gunsberger-Troianescu was won by the latter with 2-0.
Yugoslavia. S. Gligoric and B. Ivkov shared the victory in the 13th Yugoslavian Championship held at Sarajevo having scored 12,5 points.


Argentina. H. Pilnik won convincingly the Argentinean Championship with 13 points out of 17 possible.
After winning a couple of South African tournaments, W. Heidenfeld was back to Ireland with a success in the Irish championship.
England. The Bognor Regis 6th Steveson Memorial tournament attracted 48 players and ended with a shared victory of B. Ivkov (YUG), N. Karaklajic (YUG) and R. Wade (ENG) who scored 7,5 points out of 10.
Hungary. L. Portisch acted the first at the IT of Keszthely held in June devoted to the memory of Dr. L.Asztalos. He scored 9 points out of 11, followed by A. Tolush with 8,5 points, I. Bilek and L. Szabo with 7 points, G. Barcza and O. Troianescu ROM with 6.
USSR. Sultan Khalilbeili won the Azerbaijan ch., I. Zilber won the Latvian ch., R. Nezhmetdinov won the RSFSR ch., G. Uusi won the Estonian ch., A. Grushevsky won the Uzbek ch. and B. Gurgenidze won the Georgian ch.


Belgium. In the absence of A. O”Kelly, it was A. Franck who won the Belgian championship ahead of R. Lemaire and A. Van de Zande. J. Boey won the Belgian CF ch. ahead of V. Soultanbeiff.
H. Singelakis became the 9th Greek Champion.
Bulgaria. The Sofia-Belgrade team match ended with a victory of Sofia team with a score 11,5 –8,5.
The 5th World Student Team Championship was organized at Varna with the participation of 16 countries. As expected, the USSR team won the championship with 19,5 points, ahead 0f Bulgaria with 17, Czechoslovakia with 14, Yugoslavia with 14, Hungary with 14, USA with 12,5, Argentina with 11,5 and East.Germany with 9,5.
Denmark. Enevoldsen and Rasmussen scored 6,5 points out of 9 and became the winners at the Danish Championship.
A double-round match Spain-Netherlands was held at Leeuwarden in April, ended with a victory of Dutch team with a score 13-7.
Iceland. Without the participation of F. Olafsson, I. Johansson became the winner of the Icelandic championship,  having scored 10 points out of 11 possible.
Italy. A match between the team of Italy and Switzerland was held at Baveno. the Italian team won  10,5-9,5.
New Zealand. The 15-year-old Phillips became the winner of the New Zealand having scored  8,5 points out 11.
Switzerland. The Clare Benedict International Team Tournament was played at Chaumont, the Switzerland team came the first with 13 points, ahead of Spain with 12,5 points, Germany with 12, Austria and Holland with 8,5 points, Italy with 5,5.
Poland. The match Poland-Romania finished with the score of 11-9.
USA. The 41st Marshall Club Championship was won by S. Bernstein who scored 11 points out of 14. A. Bisguier won the 70th Manhattan CC.
USSR. In Moscow, a return match for Women’s World Championship between O. Rubtsova and E. Bykova was won by Bykova with a convincing score of 8,5-5,5.
Yugoslavia. R. Fischer in visit in Belgrade played two friendly matches. First he drew with D. Janosevic 1-1 then he beat M. Matulovic 2,5-1.5.


Chile. The 21-year-old Stekel Grunberg became the winner of the 25th Chilean championship having scored 10 points out of 13.
Canada. E. Macskasy won the 2 canadian Open in Winnipeg with 9/10 ahead of L. Evans 8,5.
France. The French Championship ended with a shared victory of Lemoine and Dr.Roos – they scored 7,5 points out of 11, and the first became the champion on the Sonneborn-Berger system.
England. The British Championship was won by L.W.Barden and J. Penrose  who finshed equal with 8,5 points out of 11. J. Penrose won the play-off (3-1) and the title.
Holland. In Den Hague, B. Larsen (DEN) beat JH Donner 3-1.
Denmark. Andersen became the Danish Champion, having scored 8 points out of 11.
West Germany. In the international tournament of Kienbaum, W. Uhlmann  acted the first with 9 points out of 10, ahead of V. Antoshin USSR, R. Fuchs GER and O. Neikirch BUL with 5,5 points.
Lebanon. Six players took part in the Lebanese championship where Tchelebi with 8 points became the winner.
Yugoslavia. The 4th Interzonal Tournament was held at Portoroz. M. Tal (USSR) became the winner having scored 13,5 points ahead of  S. Gligoric (YUG) with 13 points, P. Benko (HUN) and T. Petrosian (USSR) shared 3-4 places with 12,5 points, R. Fischer (USA) and F. Olafsson (ISL) made 12 points.
Spain. The Spanish Championship was won once more by A. Pomar who scored 11,5 points, ahead of Ribera with  8,5.
A. Pomar won also a small IT in Santander ahead of J. Sanz and J. Durao (POR).
Sweden. Johansson with 8 points became the winner of the Swedish Championship held at Waxjo.
Switzerland. The knock-out Swiss Championship was won by Gereben, who defeated Kupper in the final.
USA. Surprisingly it was Cobo Arteaga who won the 59th US Open championship with 10/12 ahead of L. Evans 9,5.
Wales. At the 11th Glorney Cup, without the participation of the English, the winner this year was the team of Ireland.


Finland. K.Ojanen with 11,5 points out of 13 won the championship of Finland.
Italy. The Yugoslav N. Karaklajic with 8,5 points out of 10 scored the victory at the 7th International Tournament at San Benedetto del Tronto. He was followed by Dr. Lehmann (FRG) with 7 points, S. Nikolic (YUG) 6,5 points, R; Roth (SUI) and S. Tatai (ITA) with 6 points.
USSR. E. Vasiukov came first at the Moscow Championship having scored 11,5 points.
Germany. The Chess Olympiad was held at Munich and, of course without surprise, the Russian team won the event with 34,5 points ahead of Yugoslavia with 29 points, the third was Argentina with 25,5, USA- 24, Czechoslovakia,  West Germany and East Germany 22 points. M. Tal made the best score with an exceptional 90% or 13.5/15 at board 5.
USA. R. Weinstein won the US Junior championship.


Holland. The World Champion M. Botvinnik won a small tournmant in Wageningen with 4 points ahead of S. Flohr and Donner with 3 points. 
I. Balanel won the national title ahead of E. Reicher.
East Germany. W. Uhlmann won once more the GDR championship ahead of W. Pietzsch.


Austria. At Ripp bei Hallen, A. Prameshuber won the play-off match for the Austrian championship title from A. Kinzel with a score of 2-0.
Brazil. De Souza Mendes won the 25th Brazilian championship ahead of S. Teixeira.
Canada. 44 participants took part in the Canadian Open Championship held at Winnipeg. Dr.Macskasy  won the championship with 9 points out of 10, ahead of L. Evans with 8,5, Vaitonis with 7,5…
Holland. JH. Donner won the Dutch chess championship with 9/10 ahead of N. Cortlever 7,5.
Yugoslavia. B. Ivkov and P. Trifunovic shared first at the 2nd International of Bosnia with 7/11.
Australia. The Tasmanian Championship was won by O.Webber who scored 5,5 points out of 6.
USA. The California Open Championship attracted 114 players for its 7-round Swiss tournament and ended with a shared victory of  I.Rivise, J.Mego, R. Martin who made 6 points.
USSR. The traditional match between the team of Moscow and Leningrad finished with the victory of Moscow 21,5-18,5. On the top boards, V. Smyslov drew with B. Spassky, D. Bronstein drew with V. Korchnoi and Y. Averbakh beat M. Taimanov.

G.R.Neukomm, the celebrated Hungarian problemist died on the 9th of October at Budapest after a short illness.
The great Czech problem composer  Dr. Miroslav Kost’al known under the penname Miroslav Havel died on the 8th of July.
At the age of 78 the German Master Carls  died at Bremen. He was A German Champion in 1934