Switzerland. The match H. Pilnik-E. Bogoljubow held in Zuerich ended with a draw – 3-3.
W. Unzicker (GER) won at the 5th International Tournament of Lucerne. He scored 6 points, ahead of H. Grob (SUI) with 5 points and E. Paoli (ITA).
Netherlands. The Beverwijk Tournament was won by Dr. M. Euwe (FRA) who scored 7,5 points, being ahead in two points to the nearest rivals. The second was A. O’Kelly (BEL) with 5,5 points, Yanofsky (CAN) and Rellstab (GER) shared the third place with 5 points…
Austria. D. Bronstein (URS) gave a simultaneous display in Vienna with a score of +36=3-1.
Bulgaria. The 1951 Bulgarian Championship was won by A. Tsvetkov, M. Bobotsov and Z. Minev with 10,5 point out of 16.
Norway. Kongshavn with 8,5 points acted the first at the 1951 Norwegian Championship at Stavanger.
Australia. Ozols acted the first with 7,5 points at the Australian Open Championship.
Poland. Sliwa who made 11 points out of 15 won the Polish Championship.
England. 130 participants took part in the 27th Hastings Christmas Congress, S. Gligoric (YUG) confirmed his good shape and won the event with 1,5 ahead of his nearest rivals.
Finland. K. Ojanen and O. Kaila shared first at the Finnish championship.
USA. E. Hearst won the 35th Marshall CC ch and J. Kramer the 64th Manhattan CC ch.
Argentina. M. Najdorf with an amazing 13,5 points out of 14 won the 1951 Argentine championship.
Austria. The strong international tournament of Vienna was won by H. Pilnik (ARG) who made 8 points out of 11, ahead of Lokvenc (AUT), A. Matanovic (YUG) and Milic (YUG) with 7,5 points.
Hungary. The Hungarian Championship was won by G. Barcza with 17,5 points out 21.
Romania. G.Alexandrescu and Flondor with 12 points won the Championship of Roumania.
Sweden. Dr. M. Euwe finished the first at the short tournament at Gothenburg having scored 5,5 points out of 7, ahead of E. Johansson with 4,5 points and I. Johansson with 4 points.
France. R. Belkadi and X. Tartakower shared the victory at the Christmas Tournament of the Cercle Caissa in Paris, having scored 10 points out of 13.
Cuba. M. Najdorf and S. Reshevsky shared the victory at the Capablanca in Havana having scored 18,5 points out of 22. The third was S. Gligoric with 17 points, L. Evans (USA) and E. Eliskases (ARG) with 16, N. Rossolimo (FRA) with 14,5…
Switzerland. M. Vidmar (YUG) acted the first at the Dr. Erwin Voellmy Memorial, having scored 5,5 points out of 7, the second was Dr.Euwe with 5 points, the third J. Schudel with 4,5 points…
With 11 points out of 13 possible E. Eliskases became the winner of the Punta del Este tournament held in January, followed by Toran (ESP) with 10 points, Letelier (CHI) with 9,5 points, German (BRA) with 9, Roux (URU) and Ader (CHI) with 7,5 points…
Australia. 15-year-old Hotrovanyi won the Junior Championship of Australia in January.
Norway. Larsen (DEN) became the winner of the World Junior Championship held at Trondheim.
Hungary. P. Keres (URS) won the Maroczy Jubilee, one of the greatest tournaments of all time held in Budapest. He finished with 12,5 points, ahead of E. Geller (URS) with 12 and the world champion M. Botvinnik (URS) with 11 points.
England. In Southsea, D; Yanofsky won the Stevenson Memorial ahead of S. Fazekas.
Denmark. C. Poulsen won the 43rd national championship and the young B.Larsen won the Master section with 7,5/8.
England. No challenge for M. Taimanov (URS) and D. Bronstein who shared first at the Liverpool International tournament by winning all their games…with one draw.
USSR. M.Taimanov was untouchable at the Leningrad ch. finishing the tournament with 11,5/13 without loosing a single game.
Yugoslavia. Without S. Gligoric, the team of Yugolavia beat easily Belgium 16,5/3,5.
Bulgaria. Zwetkov with 4,5 points out of 8 became the winner of the play off match for a triple victory in Bulgarian Championship.
Germany. R. Teschner won the Berlin ch. with 15/17.
Netherlands. Cortlever and Van Scheltinga with 10 points out of 12 tied for the victory at the A.Hoek Memorial played at Amsterdam. JH. Donner was the third with 9 points…
Portugal. Medina came the first at the IT in Lisbon, followed by Perez with 7,5 points, Grob SUI with 7, Rellstab GER with 6…
Norway. In Oslo, Norway lost a friendly match to Denmark 8-12.
USSR. A training match A. Lilienthal-Ragozin ended with a victory of the first GM with a score 6,5-3,5.
Yugoslavia. In Belgrade, H. Pilnik (ARG) won the strong Open ahead of B. Milnic and A. Fuederer.
Argentina. Julio Bolbochan tied for the victory with H. Rossetto at the Mar del Plata tournament. They scored 11,5 points each, followed by M. Cuellar and P. Trifunovic with 11 points, Michel with 10,5 points, Jacobo Bolbochan with 10…
Brazil. H.Rossetto with 13 points out of 16 possible became the winner of the strongest tournament held at Rio de Janeiro. E. Eliskases and Dr. P. Trifunovic shared 3-4 places with 12,5 points, ahead of J.Bolbochan and B. Rabar with 11,5 points.
Canada. Frank A. Anderson won both the Toronto Championship and Ontario Provincial Championship.
England. In London, the national team lost to Netherlands 6,5-13,5.
Netherlands. The Dutch Championship was won by M. Euwe who scored 7,5 points, ahead of T. van Scheltinga with 7.
Israel. The Israeli Championship of 1952 was held at Haifa and was won by Dr.Menachem Oren with 7,5 points.
USA. In a match played atNew York, S. Reshevsky beat S. Glogoric 5.5-4.5.
Switzerland. In Luzern, the team match between Germany and Switzerland was won by the German with a score of 12,5-7,5.
England. D. Yanofsky CAN won the South Sea International Chess Congress.
Yugoslavia. In Zagreb, the national team of West Germany surprised Yugoslavia 8-12.
England. England won the 5th Glorney Cup ahead of Wales and Ireland.
Switzerland. E. Walther became the 53rd Swiss Champion.
USSR. V. Zurakhov won the Ukrainian ch, Y. Krutikhin the Kyrgyzstan ch., M. Shofman the Moldovian ch, I. Bolevslavsky the Ukrainian ch., J. Klavins the Latvian ch., V. Goldin the Armenian ch., L. Aronin the RSFSR ch., R. Kholmov the Lithuanian ch. and I. Nei the Estonian ch.
USA. In Los Angeles, in a final match for the US. championship title, L. Evans beat H. Steiner 10-4.
Austria. The Viennese Championship was won convincingly by A. Duckstein who scored 12 points out of 15.
Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovak Championship at Tatranske Lomnici was won by M. Filip who scored 12,5 points out of 15, followed by J. Sajtar with 11 and L. Pachman with 10.
France. 152 competitors took part at Charleville at French National Congress, M. Raizman became the champion with 7 points out of 9 possible.
Boutteville won the Paris Championship having scored 8,5 points out of 11.
Iceland. F. Olafsson became the winner after the play-off match with Johnsen of the Icelandic Champion title with a score 3,5 –2,5.
Poland. An international tournament at Miedzy Zdroje was won by I. Balanel (ROM) and Z. Milev (BUL) with 11 points, followed by Makarczyk (POL) and Szily (HUN )with 10 points…
South Africa. Van Dyk with 8,5 points out of 11 won the Pretoria Championship RSA, ahead of Murray with 7,5 points.
Sweden. O. Kinnmark and G. Stoltz shared the victory in the Swedish Championship having scored 9 points out of 12.
USSR. The 1st Correspondance Chess Championship was won by Konstantinopolsky.
Finland. The international team tournament or Olympiad which attracted teams from 30 countries was held in Helsinki. It was the first participation of a Soviet team. After a hard struggle, the final results were as follows: 1. USSR, 2. Argentina, 3. Yugoslavia, 4. Czechoslovakia, 5. USA, 6. Hungary…
England. R. Wade became a new British Champion, having won the 52nd National Championship with 8,5 points.
Ireland. Schuster with 7 points became the winner of the Irish Championship held in Dublin, ahead of D.o’Sullivan and Casey with 6.
Austria. The Austrian Championship was won by Poschauko who scored 10,5 followed by Beni and Auer.
Belgium. A. O’Kelly became the winner of the Belgium Federation tournament held in Brussels ahead of Samy Rubinstein, the son of the prestigious Akiba. Two months later he won the Belgium Championship ahead of R. Lemaire.
Italy. T.Schuster with 11,5 points was the first at the tournament of Salsomaggiore, ahead of Giustolisi with 11, Kopetzky and Paoli with 10,5 points…
Switzerland. The 53rd Annual Congress at Zurich attracted 14 participants. The tournament was won by E. Lundin (SWE) who made 10,5 points out of 13, followed by Christoffel (SUI) and Dr.Euwe (NED) with 9,5 points, Blau with 9, Canal with 8,5 points…
USA. 76 players participated in the US Open at Tampa, Florida. L.Evans came the first with 10 points, ahead of Pomar (ESP) with 9,5 points and R. Byrne and Le Cornu with 9, Brasket, Hearst, Dr.Mengarini, McCormick, Pilnik with 8…
Sweden. The 23rd Congress of FIDE was held at the Grand Hotel in Saltsjobaden a week before the interzonal. There were delegates from 19 countries, USSR represented also Hungary, Spain – Portugal and New Zealand – Australia.
After few days of work the committee consisted of FIDE President F. Rogard, M. Berman, H. Golombek and R. Wade agreed on a final version of the new chess rules, which was approved by the GA.
The first number FIDE Bulletin will be published in January 1953 under the editing of Opocensky and under the supervision of the FIDE Bureau.
Spain. A.Medina regained the title of the national champion having won the Spanish Championship at Gijon in September.
The tournament of Tarragona was won by A. Medina and Rossetto (considered to be the second on the Sonneborg-Berger count) who scored 10 points out of 12. Dr. Gonzalez CUB went the third with 9,5 points, ahead of Toran with 9…
Rossetto (ARG) became the winner of the IT at Barcelona having scored 8,5 points, followed by JH. Donner (NED) and Dr. O. Bernstein (FRA) with 7, R. Toran (ESP) with 6,5 points…
Four players shared the victory at the Berga IT in October: JH. Donner (NED) , Bordell, Sanz, Toran with 8 points, ahead of C. Popel (FRA) with 7,5 points…
Ireland. The 27-year-old J.F.Shelis became the Irish Correspondence Champion.
Sweden. Soviet triumph at the Interzonal of Saltsjobanden with 1. A. Kotov 16.5/20, 2-3. Taimanov and T. Petrosian 13,5.
South Africa. W.Grivainis won the Championship of the Cape Town SC.C. with 11 points out of 14.
Romania. O. Troianescu and V. Ciocaltea shared first at the Romanian ch.
Bulgaria. In Sofia, Z. Milev won the Bulgarian championship with 14/18.
USSR. The team of Iskra won the USSR Club ch. ahead of Nauka and Spartak.
Australia. G.Koshnitsky regained the title of the Australian Champion held at Sydney in July 14-August 21 again after 1948.
A team match Austria-Italy ended with a victory of the Austrian team with a score 13-7.
Equator. 12 contestants took part in the 1st National Congress at Guayaquil. Bruno Moritz became the winner with 9 points, ahead of Dr Sierra and Arias.
Norway. O.Barda won the Norway Championship 1952.
The well-known Czech master Jan Foltys died at Moravska-Ostrava after a long illness.
At the age of 63 Efim Bogoljubov passed away. He was one of the strongest player in the world. His greatest victory was the triumph at Moscow 1925, when he was the winner ahead of Capablanca and Lasker. He was also successful in matches, and lost only to Spielmann and Rubinstein and won from Nimzovitsch, Euwe (twice) and Stahlberg.